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A mostrar mensagens de julho, 2012

Aproximação ao mundo do trabalho

Respondendo às incertezas que os jovens sentem relativamente a opções na sua vida futura, uma vez que as escolhas de prosseguimento de estudos devem estar ligadas não só ao mercado de trabalho mas também aos seus interesses e aptidões, a DT do 10ºD decidiu convidar os pais e EE dos alunos desta turma a encontrar locais de trabalho que pudessem oferecer aos seus educandos uma oportunidade de contactar diretamente com essa realidade. Os Encarregados de Educação apoiaram e duas mães fizeram os contactos com o Hospital Distrital da Figueira da Foz e o Grupo Portucel   Soporcel, sito na Figueira da Foz. Estas duas entidades responderam positivamente e proporcionaram experiências diversificadas e muito ricas a todos os alunos que participaram. Em março, os alunos passaram três dias no Hospital, e em junho estiveram também durante três dias na Soporcel.   Passaram por setores diversos, sempre acompanhados e orientados por responsáveis das duas instituições. Puderam observar o que se faz e com
The other day I was watching Dr. Phil, (and by watching I mean, zapping I stopped for about 3 minutes), and it was about teenagers who loved too much, and who were in serious relationships "because society made them" but, what shocked me even more was when he said "While in a relationship, you can't give more than you are willing to lose , you have to think about how deep you are in the relationship and take a step back, and if you see that you are, distance yourself ". Being a teenager in a serious relationship myself, (and not because society made me), I mean, I understand his point of view, as in you can't be totally dependent on someone and so on and so forth ... but really? If you never "give more than you are willing to lose", how will you ever have something that's worthwhile, or worth having?  Not only in love-relationships, what about friendship? Am I not supposed to tell my friends certain episodes of my life that made me who I am, be


I’m cold, Cuz I don’t feel the pain Of misery, Of hatred and hysteria, Of   atrocious   despair . What unheard screams Are let loose in this vast silence Distressed by voices that lack love or sweetness . I’m nothing but a lot of circuits Devoid of all my rights, Right to be loved, Right to be respected, Right to suffer or go crazy Or right to get hurt. After years and years of obedience To orders that I don’t like And give me false emotions That   don’t help me feel. Here in my claws, I bring This red   flower . It is the heart that I haven’t got anymore, The freedom that was taken away, The voice that became indecipherable, And my true love affable. For them, I’m just a mere ‘object’, A toy that they use, disproportionately, Only to let them escape their problems. I’m nothing but a refuge for the weakness Of those who despair to lose it Cuz it takes away their power. Power that was taken from me sharply… And that made me who I really am Without having to deal with the ambition, The p